Cources Taught

-         N.E. 303 Nuclear Energy.

-         N. E. 304 Introduction of Nuclear Energy.

-         N. E. 340 Measurements of Nuclear Radiation.

-         N. E. 351 Radiation Protection I.

-         N.E. 360 Radioisotope Applications I.

-         N. E. 450 Design Hawwail Radiation.

-         N. E. 451 Radiation Protection II.

-         N. E. 452 Radiation Technology Devices.

-         N. E. 453 Rules and Regulations of Nuclear Radiation

-         N.E. 454 Environmental Radioactivity.

-         N. E. 460 Radioisotope Applications  II.

-         N.E. 495 Special Topics (Cyclotron and Radiopharmaceuticals)

-         N. E. BA 499 project.

-         N.E. 499  Technical Writing.

-         I.E. 202 Introduction to Engineering Design

Last Update
12/4/2013 12:18:51 PM